Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pictures, day 1 in Mongolia

Jim in front of the office building where the couples work and the Mission President and his family live above.

This is a typical scene just out of the main town.  The poor are sprinkled among the rich.  Some homes are 
large, summer vacation homes

The most surprising was to see a traditional hut, with cars parked around it.  They have two cars but don't have a traditional home!
Another traditional home.  This man owns a taxi.

Most of the terrain is devoid of trees because they were logged long ago.

Our translator, left, talking with the man who runs the church's kiosk, Elder & Sister Nay on the right.

A boy coming with his dad to collect water.  Mongolia, in this area, seems to be less poor than what we've seen in most African countries.
A beautiful elementary school, just out of the main city.

In the elected lady's office--a representation of Genghis Khan.  She lived in an area though that believed in Shamans, traditional healers and religious leaders.  Most of the country are Buddhists.  Our church has 1 Stake and several Branches in Mongolia, about 10,000 members.

This government lady was elected 6 months ago and was very concerned with the corruption of one of our projects.


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