A Dik Dik, a tiny, quick to disappear little animal that looks like a miniature deer. There were so many this trip that I wondered which animal was missing that made these his dinner. They are always in twos, never without their mate. |
Gazelles look cute even from the back. |
It was hard to see the animals in the high grasses, trees and bushes, but it was incredibly beautiful. |
It is hard to take a picture of any buck as they run like crazy. This was taken from far away so I was able to get a good shot of this beautiful animal. |
Another Dik Dik, an unusual picture to get one holding still. |
Jim and I at Mzima Springs, which has a staggering amount of water flowing out of the ground, all clean. But we saw no crocks today; more surprisingly we didn't see any hippos. They said that they were 'hiding' in another pond away from where we were able to view them; in 2009 there was a tremendous drought where they lost many animals in the park. |
A beautiful buck hiding in the dense foliage. |
I was able to capture this shot at dusk because the water proved to be a good background. He is wiggling his head and thus the fuzzy-looking antlers. |
A silver backed jackal at the watering hole at dusk. |
Larger gazelles at the watering hole at dusk. |
King Tut. |
One of the larger monkeys. He and his friends were having a good time 'monkeying around' at the water hole. |
This is a terrible picture of a giraffe--I didn't even get his head in the shot, but it was far away and could never get a clear view of them as they foraged in the bushes and trees. |
This was a very old buffalo and he was all alone; I wonder if the old ones, like elephants, separate from the herd. |
Dik Diks are always running away and always in twos. |
Above and below, an ostrich male and female, mates, at the watering hole. |
A small herd of gazelles.
This is a very old elephant. They get separated from their herd, their tusks eventually get shorter and then they can't forage for food and die. A sad life for an old elephant. |
Above and below, a Lesser Kudu; they are far away from us and hiding in the bushes; they are very skittish and hard to get a good picture. |
Even dead trees look magnificent in Africa. |
Monday, May 25, 2015
Early this morning on his way to
the office, Elder Christensen said that the water was shut off. What he didn’t know is that they don’t shut
it off, it just runs low in the tanks.
If they don’t fill them up you run out.
Because they are a couple of floors up from us, they will run out first,
and the water lasts longer on the lower floors and we are on one of the bottom
floors. Nevertheless, I hurriedly
showered and started a small wash. We
were lucky and didn’t run out of water. I told Christensen’s that if they run out,
next time come down to one of the lower open flats and use their water. When we left our mission years ago we had no
water for 3 weeks and are experts on how it works. Either way, running out of water is the worst
thing that can happen. Electricity also
is difficult but not nearly as bad as water.
It helps one understand just a wee little bit how important water is.
Sarah picked us up so that we
could run a couple of errands; one was to visit Mumbles’ shop. Mumbles is not his name but he mumbles when
he talks and even he knows we call him that.
We purchased some asked-for souvenirs after which we went into the
office to speak to one of the men there about the meeting we had the other day
and ask them some more questions. Today
the traffic was like it used to be.
Sarah said it was because at the end of the month people run out of
money for gas so not as many cars are on the road! Another interesting thing is that people do
not put in more gas than they can use on any given day for two reasons: one, so
that it doesn’t get siphoned, and two so that if someone wants to steal your
car it is better if you barely have any gas in it for them to escape. The other day when leaving here a Matatu put
a large dent in Sarah’s right, rear side panel, then yelled at her to make sure
she knew it was not their fault, and then left.
One only rarely gets recourse when they dent your car. They take advantage of each other on a regular
basis and especially women. This dent
matches the one in the front left panel…
We took Christensen’s out to
lunch for taking care of us when we first arrived, came back to the flat to
write reports and prepare for our trip tomorrow. Sarah will be picking us up early and we are
taking two days to ourselves to go to our old and favorite haunt, Kilaguni
Lodge in Tsavo West, just for one night because of the high game park fee for a
non-residents. They have hiked up their
park fees so much and you cannot be there for one minute more than 24 hours or
they charge you again. Everyone
complains as it ruins the tourism business, but they don’t seem to care if
anyone can make a living or not. Hardly
anyone is touring these days because of hiked prices, Ebola (which isn’t even
near Kenya), and the Somali’s coming into the country shooting the place up,
even though most of it is far away from Nairobi and security here is tighter
than ever.
We departed early Tuesday and
arrived at the Tsavo West game park entrance at noon. Sarah, being a part-time travel agent has
booked people here but never gone herself, so it was a real treat for her. As giddy as she got, I always also feel giddy
as if I didn’t know what it is like there.
They had refurbished the regular rooms and they are lovely, and from our
balcony we can see the watering hole that the animals come to throughout the
day and night. Since it is the rainy
season and there are many watering holes in the park, it is not as busy as it
usually is. We didn’t see the animals we
expected to see, but saw some I don’t remember seeing in this game park. But I must say that each time we come here I
sit there in wonder and awe and the people are the very best at making you feel
like you must be he King and Queen of England.
We’re back home again, and so
glad we took this trip even though it is on our dime—it was worth it as it always
Love, from my favorite place in
all of Kenya, the Kilaguni Lodge.
Jim on the way to the pool. It was very refreshing so only Jim and I used the pool. Sarah, like most Africans we've met, get cold easily and don't like cold water and don't know how to swim. |
Sarah getting a kick
out of the carved wood warthogs at Kilaguni Lodge.
This is Leah, whom we
met years ago. She has a small safari
business. She is such a fine and
spiritual lady. We knew years ago that
she ran into the leopard and thought she would be dinner for him; she told us
today that she has seen him 3 times. He even came into the lodge, perhaps to register
to stay for a night! Finally they
removed him to another park.

I think these are called
Oryx. I got a camera with a
very excellent zoom because these were far away. We never expected to see these here at Tsavo
as we never remember seeing them except perhaps at the Masai Mara. |
The grounds at
the hotel are exquisite because Kenyan trees and flowering bushes are just
magnificent. This is next to the pool,
which we actually had time to use.
eating area; to the left is the open-air viewing of the watering hole.
The watering hole at Kilaguni Lodge, at the moment empty of animals. The park is very green and there are many watering holes remaining in the Park, and much food to eat for the animals.
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